Study Abroad with Journalists

Study Abroad
Study Abroad

Below are some of the special study abroad programs that take the School of Journalism and Media faculty and students abroad during the summer. 

Many other opportunities are also available through the UT Study Abroad Office

The Moody College of Communication International Programs site lists all programs within the Moody College.

Visit the Moody College Study Abroad page

Login to the UT Study Abroad Office

Contact Daniel Ach, Academic Advisor

Mayterm Abroad: Documentary Photography Storytelling

Dublin, Ireland

This program is active, running in Spring 2025.

This course with UT journalism professor Donna De Cesare, offers a rare opportunity for advanced, intermediate, and beginning students of photographic storytelling to learn how visual journalists approach working on foreign still photographic assignments. Our photography will focus on answering the question:  What does it mean to be Irish in the 21st Century? Students work on this assignment in small teams, by photographing stories of Irish people (including immigrants and refugees) who are protagonists in contemporary social justice stories of identity and culture; economic and political rights; and efforts to address the climate challenges the Irish face today.  Skills developed will include research, concept, and interviewing as well as camera-led reporting in communities and on the streets of Dublin. The ethical considerations that concern photojournalists and documentarians will inform our work... We will meet during the spring semester to establish our cohort and form our teams as we learn about Irish culture and history, view work by contemporary Irish photographers and prepare to work as visual “foreign correspondents.

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Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change


This program is active, running in Summer 2025.

This summer program includes a 3-week online course component designed to provide students with a rigorous outline of news curation, comparative news theories, and multimedia storytelling, and 3 weeks on-site in Salzburg, where students create an online global media literacy curriculum. Classes are held in the world-renowned Schlossleopoldskron, an 18th-century Rococo palace built by the Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg.

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London, England

This program is currently inactive.

This program offers a unique opportunity to advanced, intermediate, and beginning students of videography to apprentice with an experienced documentary filmmaker and television news producer while learning about the art, architecture, film, and history of London. 

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