Team 4 Blog Update

The Real Concern: Consumers Want Financial Information

Lauren Capistran, Chandler Maloney, Anne Thompson and Emma Williams

As a result of our initial survey process, our team gained a wealth of knowledge about exactly what our projected consumer is looking for. While we struggled in the beginning to narrow our focus onto a specific category of “adulting,” we’ve been informed that the majority of our audience wishes us to focus on finances. Financial literacy was the topic our audience most abundantly responded to—with subcategories regarding savings and checking accounts, credit card information, budgeting, expenses, credit scores, and more receiving positive responses. We received many write-in responses from our audience regarding financial literacy, with one surveyed individual sharing they “would have loved information about negotiating a fair salary—or at least what a reasonable starting salary was in [their] field.” Other write-in responses wished for budgeting and financial health tips, tips for filing taxes, tips for creating a budget, and more general financial wellness advice.

As the results of our survey indicated, going forward we will only be discussing financial topics. The next step that we’d like to take is to send out another survey asking the respondents who indicated they would be interested in being reached out to again to identify which topics in finance they would like to learn more about or be reminded about. We want to make this app more of a reminders app with education built in, so in prototyping we will work on combining those two goals. Since we are also focusing on finance, we need to think about how our app will make money. We would like to keep the app free to use, so we need to figure out which advertisers would make sense to use on this platform. Our sample consumers said they wanted to link their progress with their friends, so we are also going to try to brainstorm ways to let people compete with one another while retaining the privacy that finances typically call for.

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